About Me


Why are you here looking at this website and contemplating a life coach?

My guess is your life is okay, but you aren't achieving those big beautiful goals that keep you up at night. 

Also you're sick of seeing Karen post about how great her life is on Facebook. God Karen, We Get It. You have abs and you just had your third kid in your mansion. THAT’S GREAT FOR YOU KAREN. 

So here you are, looking at my website, thinking this person can help me? But I don't know her, how do I know she will do what she says she can? Who even is she anyway and why are her eyes so freakishly big? What does she have that I haven't?

Well the answer is unless you have a few missing limbs, I have the same things as you. A functioning body that also loves ice cream Way Too Much. Like seriously, its an actual problem how much Halo Top I eat. 

But let me tell you about me since you kindly clicked all the way here to learn. 

The most important thing you should know about me is I have always lived my dream. I always have a dream like I want to run a hotel or I want to travel the world and live off my laptop, and I have done them. Not right away, but it always happens. I wanted to Travel. So I did. I wanted to work in an office and be "ordinary", so I did. I have always dreamed of becoming Lara Croft and finding treasure but that one I am still working on. 

I don't not have a sad or dramatic backstory, I really don't. I had a great childhood with two normal parents, a big family and I literally got everything I ever wanted (besides a pony, no matter how many wishes I made on birthday cake candles). My teenage years were chill, no drugs or abuse and my adult life has been interesting, so I consider myself incredibly blessed. 

Mostly because I choose to feel that way. I know many people who listen to tales of my youth and jaws drop in horror. You should see peoples faces when they see my "before" photos, I was not a healthy lass growing up, I once clocked 6 bags of crisps in 1 hour or their faces 4 years later when I tell them how my eating disorder led me to a very public breakdown after watching black swan. 

I believe adversity is completely subjective to the person and that you control your reality. I take control of my past and my choices and I damn own wearing those cargo pants as an overweight 16 year old who never washed her hair. 

Adversity is not my enemy, its my friend, that I really like beating over and over again. Either its climbing Everest or calling the post office, I will defeat it.

Sounds a bit intense right? Lets lighten the mood a bit. 

I have been a life coach since time began. I have always been listening and solving peoples problems for them because to me, on the outside, it’s so simple. Helping people become happy was always my top priority, as long as everyone around me was happy, I did my job. Because it is my job, I feel responsible for everyone's happiness, at all times, if they are near me.  I have always called it spreading light. Of course, I can't make everyone happy all the time because that only a temporary solution, so I started investing in making people better. Starting with myself. Personal development is just a hobby to me. I challenge you to find a book I haven't read or a motivational quote I have never seen. I started with my friends, social media (in my opinion) is ruining peoples lives and mental health, if I could move back to the 90s, I would. So I have a plethora of people to work with. Starting small changes and suggestions to doing joint challenges to actually taking them to Thailand so they can live their dream. I am shall we say, dedicated to the cause. 

But none of this is any information about me, so lets do some fact drops:

  • I am cat person.

  • I really like Reeces Pieces. I'm serious, you hire me, its all going straight to buying the Pieces. Queen needs her chocolate crown.

  • I want to be the best person I can be. 

  • I really use the word So too much (going to have to get used to that)

  • I was raised in Hong Kong, that is my home, which means when we have our initial Skype chat, I do have a strange accent. 

Okay, so you have vaguely learned about a strange cat lady who had a unhealthy addiction to American candy. But why would I be good for you? What gives me the ability to tell you what to do with your life?

Well for one thing, I am never going to tell you what to do with your life. We are going to look at your goals, and find a way to achieve them. This is a not a, you pay me and I make your problems/ dreams appear the next day. That's not becoming a better version of yourself, that's throwing money on a fire. I will support you and suggest all the ways in order to reach your goals, wither its a weight, financial, mental health or personal goal. I will be the best friend you see in the movies, the Ann Perkins of your life (Parks and Recreation if you haven't seen it). My sole goal, is to help you Be The Best You. 

Okay so, if you love this so much, why not do it for free?

"If you're good at something, never do it for free"- The Joker 

Sometimes, the issue with not hitting your goals is no accountability. Someone who will be disappointed if you fail. Growth can be hard and I found that I have to sacrifice something in order to achieve my goals to keep me accountable. Something I find hard to part with in order to deal remind me that this isn't just for fun.


Money is a wonderful asset that is often misused or misconstrue. But for me, those bills motivate me because I hate wasting money. If I am spending my hard earned pennies, it will be on something I will use until it falls apart or I die. 

I am sure you have read for long enough now and your eyes are starting to wonder towards your phone screen that just lit up. So I leave you with this. 

We all have the luxury of being able to choose what to do with our lives. I choose to fight and become better and make this world a better and more interesting place.

I invite you to unlock your potential and start achieving your dreams because I cannot wait to hear what they are. 

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What do I believe in:

  • Body Positive. All bodies are beautiful bodies

  • Self Love. #LoveYourself. No one else is gonna

  • Adventure. Life is short, make it fun.

  • Positivity . Because they the fluff not.

  • Honesty. Be real, I’ll take the truth over what I want to hear any day.

  • Freedom. Nothing too bald eagle, but I believe everyone should be free in their own way.

  • Health and Fitness. I believe the way to a clear head and a good life is moving and eating well.

  • Plants. I love Plants.

  • Cooking. I love cooking, baking, creating! It is a limitless endeavor!

  • Travel. Easiest way to developing as a person. Travel, get out of your comfort zone. Explore.


Life Goal Achieved

Always wanted to go pet an elephant, live in a foreign country and be a digital nomad.


Overcomer of All

When I started fitness, I always thought I was too heavy to do a handstand. Well I cleared that lie off the table for everyone!


World Traveler

I wanted to take a plunge, leave my secure and good job running a hotel and travel the world with my trusty backpack, so I did.

Body Positive Activist

And self love enthusiast. Being brave enough to post a bikini picture of me, that was a truly great moment for me.

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