

Life is messy 

Life is just in general a busy, crazy confusing overwhelming mess. And the one thing you are craving more than most is Clarity. 

Someone to just come in and clear the clutter of your life. Emotionally, physically, spiritually and more importantly, Stuffily. 

Stuff is literally everywhere and it clogs up your brain power with all this stuff. 

3 human needs:

  • Clarity 

  • Simplicity 

  • Certainty 

We are not all rebels who want to tear up the system, we need clarity and simplicity. 

We suffer from anxiety and stress because this world is just so overwhelming and we cannot process is. 

More doesn’t equal better. The polar opposite of what we think as a society, the more we have, the better we live right? The more clothes, more fancy things, more friends, more social media followers. THE MORE THE BETTER! 


The more the more confusing, overwhelming, uncontrollable and stressful. 

Has anyone you ever met gone, I am such an over thinker, its such a great quality, I love just over thinking every insignificant detail until i sit in a ball wondering why the world is how it is. NO! Why? BECAUSE IT’S OVERLY COMPLICATED. We need clarity and we need simplicity and we need it now. 

If you are an over thinker and your are suffering, here are some management tools. 

1. Get honest. Get real. Get brave. Whatever is causing your anxiety (awkward conversation or a worry that something wont go the way you want) Be honest, look at the root of your over thinking, then handle it. Honesty is a huge thing for me, I believe in being honest with myself, other people and anyone who deserves it. Be honest with the real reason behind what you are feeling, often emotion masks a different emotion, like anger hides hurt, pain and pride. Under the anger, see the real reason you are responding, because that person hurt you. 

You can be honest without being unkind! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. You don't have to be a dick if it's a difficult conversation, just need some tact. Which leads up to no.2 

2. OPEN COMMUNICATION. My sisters hate this about me because I believe in open communication, if we all live in the same house, I think everyone should be on the same page. So I let the other ones know, whats going on so they don't step on toes or upset the other one. Just a little note to be considerate. This is not to be confused with being a gossip. If someone confided in you, don't break that trust bond. You have to get better at being a communicator, if you have a problem with someone, talk to them in a calm manner about it. FACE THE ISSUE. Just walk up to them and say, hi can we chat, I have been struggling with this, can we clear the air. Apologize if that is whats bothering you, saying something stupid and then apologizing for it is something I do quite often. We all fuck up, its human. 

3. Faith. Yes faith, I can already hear all of the atheists go "Why is it always about JESUS!" and I am here to tell you my friend, that it is not. While religions are wonderful personal choices, they are not relevant here. You have to have faith that you will be alright in the end. Sounds silly but think about it. Do you remember a time previously that the worst possible thing could happen (think high school) and then you didn't die of embarrassment, you just cried for a bit then ate some cheese on toast and life got okay again. It's the same thing, just happening in a different form, we are tested, we panic, we avoid, we're forced to face it, we are fine. No matter how big or small the challenge is, it wont kill you, you will be fine. Just have a little faith and remember that you have lived this long, this isn't going to kill you. 

Get some Clarity. Get real with yourself.