
The Practical Guide to Letting It The Fuck Go

The Practical Guide to Letting It The Fuck Go

Let's start with the reality of the situation, we are all holding on to shit and not letting it go because how the fuck do we do that??

No one has every logically taught any of us how to let go of things, old relationships, trauma. Instead we sit and replay the what ifs and hurt over and over again, imagining future scenarios with relentless prepping so we don't get hurt again.

Letting go of the moment/ feelings that you are struggling with is different for everybody. We are all unique which means we grieve, process and feel differently. As a result, I can't write a step by step how to guide, you have to write one for yourself. So instead, I wrote a long list of alll the possible things you need to know and things you can do to help process your feelings so you can get back to feeling yourself again.

Core Values, Visualisation and Light

Core Values, Visualisation and Light

Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person. For example, honesty. If you value honesty and you are doing something that is dishonest, you will become disconnected from your core. 

Our core values were instilled upon us when we were young, for example, when I was young, I watched a lot of Disney princess movies and a lot of their morals were instilled into me, protecting the weak (Esmerlda), hard working (Tiana), adventure (This was Tin Tin). 



Life is messy 

Life is just in general a busy, crazy confusing overwhelming mess. And the one thing you are craving more than most is Clarity. 

Someone to just come in and clear the clutter of your life. Emotionally, physically, spiritually and more importantly, Stuffily.