Welcome to my Secret Weapon


I want to take a moment to chat about my secret weapon to happiness: Gratitude 

I have been having a very and down few weeks, due to me making bad food decisions and not training, I am not good at eating processed food, turns me into a grumble goose. I have been depressed, overly anxious, nit picking at myself, being negative and just being a bit of a bummer to my poor boyfriend whose put up with my questionable mood swings.

And as I was eating that cold tin of rice pudding this morning, I was sat there thinking, I am so confused, I have so much in my life to be grateful for. I have an amazing life, freedom, friends, work, new shoes, a handsome man who makes me laugh and shares his food with me even when I wont. Why do I feel like this? 

I think its because at some point, I just stopped being grateful for all the wonderful things I have in my life and came to just expect them. 

So I sat, and wrote about all the things I am grateful for and I ran OUT of time. There are so many wonderful things and people around, it is easy to get caught up in the negative because it is all around. The news, limiting beliefs, Twitter feed, peoples rude comment you overhear in the street and we are programmed to focus on the negative for survival. But if you stop and just think for a moment of all the wonderful things you do have, friends, family, flowers, a planet, Starbucks, money, a cupcake, how nice the weather has been today, the new episode of Star Trek Discovery, how pretty the daffodils look at the moment, like really perky yellow ducks. I promise you, you will be sat there thinking holy shit, instead of scrolling on Facebook for 20 minutes looking at negative memes and quizzes about what potato I am, I just realized, everything I have already is enough and that makes me happy. 

Self Love. Gratitude. Kindness. Cornerstones to a happy life.