
The Life Changing Power Of Gratitude

The Life Changing Power Of Gratitude

Let’s chat about my super power, the power of gratitude. We are going to hit the ground running today because there is a lot to cover so we are starting with the bluntest truth of all.

Happiness, like gratitude is a choice.

We can choose to be grateful for everything that we have and a reason we don't express it as much as we should is because it is connected to self hate and our drive as humans to progress.

Welcome to my Secret Weapon

Welcome to my Secret Weapon

I want to take a moment to chat about my secret weapon to happiness: Gratitude.

I have been having a very and down few weeks, due to me making bad food decisions and not training, I am not good at eating processed food, turns me into a grumble goose. I have been depressed, overly anxious, nit picking at myself, being negative and just being a bit of a bummer to my poor boyfriend whose put up with my questionable mood swings