How to Keep Your Shit Together While Social Distancing

Let’s chat about how to keep your shit together while being isolated. For all of us introverts, this is a dream come true, we have literally been preparing for this our whole lives. It is a full case of Catana.


However for all of our extroverted friends, this is a nightmare sandwich. The biggest issue facing lockdown is loneliness but it is also the.. What the fork am I going to do? Stuck in my house. All Day. FOREVER. There is only so much netflix one can watch before one goes insane and it isn’t just that. You are trapped with other people. Other people.. 24/7. That can be torture. 

So what are we going to do about it? 

How to stay sane during lockdown

The big one: Social Isolation

Self isolation doesn’t mean disconnection. Make sure you are chatting to your friends, keep in contact, calling your elderly grandparents, calling your parents. As of yet, social gatherings aren’t banned but until they are, go see your friends while you can. Have facetime hang outs just to chat about how bored you are. Start a book club if you have too, read it and then all chat about it. Fine away to reach out to your family, organise daily facetime chats, we have had 3 in the last few days and it helps! Since the restrictions were announced a week ago, we have had I think 3 online facetime hang outs.

Connect with a positive online community

The internet is amazing. There are so many new friends and new communities just ready to be discovered! Find some new friends that are upbeat and positive! Surround yourself with positivity as a life lesson in general.

Use this time to learn a new skill, go all in, get obsessed!

My sister sent me a video today, she learnt to play a song on the piano because she was so bored in isolation. Do this. Be my sister. Pick a skill you have always wanted to learn and learn it! There are so many online courses, youtube professionals, old books your mother has on knitting. Get supplies and dive full power into learning a new skill. It will help you feel productive and feel rewarding. All good important things we need to be feeling! Now btw, is a great time to start that blog you have always wanted to start on your passion! My baking blog is definitely going to start popping up with new posts! 

Keep on top of your mental health

Keep. On. Top. Of. Your. Mental. Health. 

There are many ways to do that but here is my article on handling your anxiety:

And here is my article on how to clear your negative emotions:

I have written one specifically for COVID19:

Do these, they are designed to help you with your mental health. Your mental health will be tested so make sure you are all over your self care routine.

Personal Growth

Classic Jade, you could use this time to work on your personal growth! Learn your personality type! Read some books on growth, pick something you want to work on and learn about it.

Clear up your social media

I always talk about this but your social media feed can be toxic. Take this time to clear out all the shit. Any channel that makes you feel down, insecure or shamed or even afraid. Unfollow. You can hide their channel and still follow them if you don’t want to offend someone. 

Ask For Help

If you are feeling lonely, reach out to people. Don’t wait for people to come to you, be ballsey, send a message, have a chat. There are many people who would love to hear from you so reach out. There are lots of emergency numbers to call as well. I am linking all emergency number at the bottom.

Home workouts

There are so many homeworks you can do, I know this because every gym I know is creating home workouts. If you want, you can google them. Schedule time and do a 15 minute little workout each day. Help mix it up, keep your days fresh and help you move since you aren’t walking as much! I have already planned a Skype workout with my friend so make a workout buddy and do it on facetime! We have the tech, let’s use it! Here are some options for you:


Yep, I said it. I always say it, everyone tells me meditation is the worst and yet, here I am, still saying meditation is an amazing tool that is not being utilized. It helps calm you, especially if you are claustrophobic or cleithrophobic and you fear being inside. Breathing technique, guided meditation. There are so many free apps or guided meditations on youtube. Try a few and find one that works for you, I know I have tried a fair few and I rarely find ones I like so it can take some time. Persistence! It is worth it. 

Avoid the news

Now, we all know I don’t like the news. I don’t watch it, if important things happen, my boyfriend tells me about it. Or someone does.. Currently it is like we are glued to the news and I get it because it is affecting our daily lives but I SHIT YOU NOT, an article notification from the daily mail just appeared and I am writing this saying DEATH TOLL FOR THE CORONAVIRUS PEAKS AT NEW LEVELS. We are all going to die. I don’t need that negativity in my life, I am doing everything I can to not spread corona. I avoid vulnerable people and wash my hands. That is all I can do and that is okay. You don’t need that bombardment, if something really important happens, someone will tell you. Avoid the news channels. Your mental health will thank you. 

If you do insist on watching the news, at least cleanse your fear each day. Do the first step on my emotional cleansing each day to help your mental health. 

Read a book or Online gaming

What a surprise, Jade suggests reading a book! Grab that book, gets to reading. We live onscreens and it is really nice to take a break and read a book. Stare at a tree and hallucinate and for all you humans who like me, only read serious personal development books, mix it up, read a trash novel! Now is a great time to re read the whole Harry Potter series! If you want something more serious, you can check out my growth book club blog post for my top reads! I'm a huge believer in reading and personal growth! If you want a specific recommendation for you, send me a message on instagram!

Focus on the positive

It is really easy to spiral out of control with the pressure of the media, make a conscious effort to focus on the positive. Find the good, even if it is a struggle bus today. If you really struggle, message me!

Practicing daily gratitude

Gratitude is the key, the golden key to happiness. It is the sword that defeats anxiety, depression and pain. Use gratitude to your advantage. Make a cup of tea, sit down, appreciate the cup of tea you have and then send some gratitude out. Here are ways to express gratitude: 

Write a list

Text a person and show how you are grateful for them 

Express it on social media, fill up that online space with love

Draw it out 

Simply think it

Say it outloud “I am grateful for…”

If you can make this a daily practice, by the time the lockdown lifts, it will become a habit and that is a habit you will always be grateful for. It will help you thrive in life. 

For example: We watched 1917 the other day and everyday I just think, I am so grateful for that generation that went through WW1 and 2. I wish them peace and honour them. And as I think that, I feel light in my chest. 

Get out in nature

Walks on the beach. Your dogs will still need walking so get out! The national trust is offering completely free parking so people can get out and be in nature. Being cooped up is the worst feeling, find your nearest property and go for a walk. 

Take up yoga

As long as you are trapped inside, you need to keep active to help those endorphins flow through your brain. We need the chemicals to stop us going insane so do a yoga video a day. Adrienne has been putting out videos once a day since January so go check her out and do one of her videos a day!


If like me, you love routine, try to keep your routine up, just adjust it. Set times to do stuff and stick to it. Start work at this time, break at this time. It will help keep you focused instead of spiralling into despair. 


This is a great opportunity to learn how to cook. I get it, food isn’t as easily available as normal but it also is. You're stuck inside, might as well learn to cook and learn about healthy eating. Eating shit while being trapped inside will only lead to one place and it isn’t a good mental place. Eat as clean as possible during lockdown to help your brain. Just saying, grab a slow cooker and start making some stews! Cooks in bulk!

How to stay sane living with a partner

If you and your partner are working at home together, this can create problems. Since the lockdown in Wuhan, divorces in China have massively spiked because living full time with their spouse was too much. We would rather avoid this so here are the top things you need to do in order to prepare or risk throwing a pot plant at your spouse. 

Set up working stations in different rooms. 

Seriously, work in different rooms. If you have a small house, other sides of the room but ideally, different rooms. You need to establish space for yourself and your partner will also need space. That way you aren’t technically together 24/7 and you can just meet in the kitchen for tea. 


I believe the key to any good relationship is communication. I am not here to tell you how to communicate, some people like it loud after all! But you should talk. If you are feeling frustrated, tell them about it. Try not to just have a go at each other, that's not constructive. Identify what the problem is and both sit there and come up with a resolution calmly and put it into action. Talk about how you are feeling. 


It is frustrating getting locked in with someone. Even if they are the best person ever. Candy is the best thing ever until you eat it all then you hate it. Overexposure kills things so I ask you to journal. Get your feelings, frustrations and emotions out of your head and into a safe space, it will stop you taking it out on your partner. Also know that your partner might not be open to doing this but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t, journalling is a very therapeutic habit we should all get into. 

Practice Gratitude 

Your partner is great, you love them for a reason, practice gratitude. It can take a OH MY GOD WHY to A. It is okay, I love them, they are pretty cool, I am just frustrated at this moment but it will pass. 

Be Considerate 

As someone who lives with an extrovert, it is important to be considerate of each other's different needs. As an introvert, I need alone time and I need a lot of it. I also need downtime but I know my partner needs attention. 

It isn’t just each other's needs, it is also being considerate around your house and space. Things like making an effort to wash up, keep things clean and tidy so that your other half isn’t always cleaning up after you. Remember that uni life? No one likes that life and it breeds unnecessary frustration. Being considerate is key to a good relationship in a strenuous time. 

Finally, be considerate of each other's feelings. The lockdown will affect people in different ways, if your partner is feeling frustrated or anxious, be considerate of that and offer assistance instead of getting frustrated with them. 

Designated Breaks

TAKE BREAKS FROM EACH OTHER. If you are sharing space, take space. HAVE SOME SPACE. Or you will drive each other insane. Put on your headphones, sit in other rooms and ignore each other. Its healthY! 

You and your partner can do this, this can apply to anyone you are in lockdown with. Practice distance and communication and you should be fine!

Kind things you can do during Lock Down 

Send a cute message to your friends saying how much you appreciate them

If possible, help someone vulnerable in your local community by bringing them supplies or walking their pets 

Donate food to your local food bank

Make future plans with people to remind them that they are still important to you

Get crafting, find nice ways to speak to people

Support local businesses 

Get positive on social media! 

Reach out to people who are struggling with loneliness or isolation, make them feel seen

Send people this article to help them deal with lockdown. 

Emergency help information:

Helplines and resources

Get urgent help

YoungMinds Crisis Messenger service
Save our Crisis Messenger number on your phone. Text YM to 85258 for free 24/7 mental health support if you are having a mental health crisis.

Emergency services (999)
If you or someone you live with is seriously injured, call 999.

More information and support

Have a look on the following pages if you need more information or support:

Other helplines and services




  • if you're in distress and need support, you can ring Samaritans for free at any time of the day or night.

  • freephone (UK and Republic of Ireland): 116 123 (24 hours)

  • email:

The Mix


  • if you're under 25 you can talk to The Mix for free on the phone, by email or on their webchat. You can also use their phone counselling service, or get more information on support services you might need. 

  • freephone: 0808 808 4994 (1pm - 11pm daily)

Women's Aid


  • if you think you may be experiencing domestic abuse and you identify as a woman, you can talk to Women's Aid for free and confidential support

  • email:

  • you can also chat to a support worker using their free instant messenger service, Mon-Fri (10am-12pm)

Citizen's Advice