An Open Letter About Instagram Bullshirt!

Hi squad, 

I want to talk more about Instagram bullshit and culture and the comparison problems we all have. I try to keep my channel all about personal growth and healing and becoming happy but I still get bombarded with negativity and not from my feeds, I get to watch all of my amazing squad everyday be grateful for things and achieve goals and I love it all. But I also suffer from Instagram anxiety and its because I get Direct Ad targets. I used to love them, the algorithm knows exactly what type of shoes I like so shopping was so easy. But at the moment, I get BOMBARDED with ads saying things like: 

Want to be successful? Here is the secret you are missing? 

Why are you such a failure in business?

What is the one thing you are missing in your business? Sign up to my 2 hours webinar sales pitch. 

So all day I am subjected to all the things I haven't discovered yet on my entrepreneurial journey but instead of like learning a new thing, discovering the next. I get surrounded by 10 ads all telling me that I am failing and all for different reasons and you need to spend £4000 to figure it out or you will die and fail forever. 

I am not immune to Instagram bullshit, it just hits a different anxiety of mine. Instead of LOOSE WEIGHT TEA and beauty products, it picked another way to attack me with ads. 

Now, before you start, I get that my job is selling a course that delivers you to a place of self love so that you can actually enjoy your life. The thing about these ads is, they are all selling me stuff I need to level up, but there is TOO much of it and it becomes overwhelming and you just sit and go DO I KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL? 

I post a lot of content, but I want you all to know that it isn't so you can study, learn and constantly grow, I post my quotes because at some point, somewhere, somebody is going to see it and it will change their life. Like they have done for me over the years. I'm simply teaching the lessons I have learned in my long life because I had the luxury of learning them early. To learn lessons is to jump into the great beyond and risk and try and not everyone has the freedom to experiment as I did. So I help people down the path so they don't have to fall over and get crushed my a nearing falling tree like I did. 

Since the algorithm has changed, I suddenly get a lot more ads and expanding my reach has become a lot harder and it has been a real struggle to push through because I felt like I was getting someone and I was just derailed and I feel like that is all of us trying to hit our goals. Whatever they are, someone just changes the way the games is played and we feel like we start from square one. But we don't. We aren't at Square One. We are at Square Seventeen! Its just someone has moved the next step a little higher and we have to climb it instead of stepping. We just never have to lose sight of the end of the road, which is easy to do when you can barely see over your head at the steps you are taking. 

We are all struggling together so if you see someone staring at that giant step like holy shit, I can't do that, give them a hand up so that one day, when you get to that step, they can pull you up. 

Kindness <3