
Jade The Introvert!

Jade The Introvert!

Jade the introverts adventures through friendship and moving forward to create her dream life!

I want to talk to you about a recently change in my life. This is overtly obvious but I am a massive introvert, give me a book and a cabin and I am happy for years (as long as it was warm). For the past few years I have been pushing out of my shell to make new friends and expand my social circle outside of the ghost of my cat. I was making really good progress (as a traveler, I never made long term friends because they would be gone the next day so to make real connections with people was a big deal).

An Open Letter About Instagram Bullshirt!

An Open Letter About Instagram Bullshirt!

Hi squad, 

I want to talk more about Instagram bullshit and culture and the comparison problems we all have. I try to keep my channel all about personal growth and healing and becoming happy but I still get bombarded with negativity and not from my feeds, I get to watch all of my amazing squad everyday be grateful for things and achieve goals and I love it all. But I also suffer from Instagram anxiety and its because I get Direct Ad targets. I used to love them, the algorithm knows exactly what type of shoes I like so shopping was so easy. But at the moment, I get BOMBARDED with ads saying things like: 

Want to be successful? Here is the secret you are missing? 



Does negatively judging someone make you a bad person?

Short answer, no. It doesn’t. As humans, we judge people, we are biologically programmed to do that, it's a survival instinct. Knowing that, I have never tried to be too hard on myself when I find myself judging someone because, we all judge and I know that is what causes a lot of mental health issues like paranoia and anxiety, you judge, therefore, you will judged.