Relationship with Food

Why Healthy Eating Is So Important

Why Healthy Eating Is So Important

I talk about this a lot but I believe in eating health foods for your Mental Health. Not for weight loss or weight management, pure and simply, to help you be happy and keep on top of your mental health.
Crazy I know? I know because if I eat healthy and wholesome food that makes me feel good, I feel indestructible, beautiful and powerful. I also have more energy, easier to think positive and my skin is radiant. When you eat healthy, you glow.

FOMO Around Food

FOMO Around Food

What is FOMO?

The official definition of FOMO is:

Anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on social media.

So Food FOMO is:

Anxiety that an exciting or interesting delicious food may currently be eaten elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on social media and you are not consuming it.

But I don’t need to tell you what the definition is, you have all experienced how it feels when your friends are on social media eating something you want to be eating. like when you see an image of someone’s home baked cupcakes and you start to drool. Then you get the FOMO and a lot of complicated feelings come up.