FOMO Around Food

FOMO Around Food

What is FOMO?

The official definition of FOMO is:

Anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on social media.

So Food FOMO is:

Anxiety that an exciting or interesting delicious food may currently be eaten elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on social media and you are not consuming it.

But I don’t need to tell you what the definition is, you have all experienced how it feels when your friends are on social media eating something you want to be eating. like when you see an image of someone’s home baked cupcakes and you start to drool. Then you get the FOMO and a lot of complicated feelings come up.

My Weight Loss Story

My Weight Loss Story

Weight loss. The crux of most peoples lives. No matter what, you are never skinny enough or good enough unless you look like someone on the cover of a magazine. This has haunted me my whole life, ever celebrity you see with zero perfect body fat that has been photo shopped to look skinnier than you could ever be and feeling the shame. OH THE SHAME. It burns through my soul. Makes me want to avoid looking in the mirror and knowing that because I don’t look like that, I have no value.

Toxic Relationships

Toxic Relationships

Toxic relationships. 

Let’s take a moment to chat about toxic people. Do you feel like you have one in your life? Have you ever considered it might be you? 

I think on some level, everyone can be a toxic to someone. We can all be bad influences and bring people down without meaning to or intention. But does that make us bad people? 

Sea meditation

Sea meditation

I live by the sea. Always have. Always will. Although I prefer the land and I don’t actually like surfing or water sports, I have always lived and need to be near the sea. When I wrote this meditation, I had in mind all the amazing people around me who love the sea and are suffering with not being able to control their emotions very well. Its not an easy feat, we all get so caught up in the moment. If you are someone who has a short fuse or you’re young and you’re not sure why you have all these feelings and where they are coming from. I hope this helps you :)

Welcome to my Secret Weapon

Welcome to my Secret Weapon

I want to take a moment to chat about my secret weapon to happiness: Gratitude.

I have been having a very and down few weeks, due to me making bad food decisions and not training, I am not good at eating processed food, turns me into a grumble goose. I have been depressed, overly anxious, nit picking at myself, being negative and just being a bit of a bummer to my poor boyfriend whose put up with my questionable mood swings



Life is messy 

Life is just in general a busy, crazy confusing overwhelming mess. And the one thing you are craving more than most is Clarity. 

Someone to just come in and clear the clutter of your life. Emotionally, physically, spiritually and more importantly, Stuffily.