Self Care

I Hate Communicating, Let's Talk Colours.

I Hate Communicating, Let's Talk Colours.

honest but that isn’t what we are here for! I want to explain my colour system to you!

I don’t know about you but since we were all raised to live in a society where expressing your feelings or emotions is taboo and frowned upon unless it's a mild complaint, you might have issues expressing how you feel.

*Ghost Jade nods profusely*

I am always astounded to find people who express how they feel so easily and abruptly, to everyone. I think it's a great quality because you will never catch me doing that. *Ghost Jade zips her lips*

How to Use Aromatherapy to Reduce Your Anxiety and Depression

How to Use Aromatherapy to Reduce Your Anxiety and Depression

If you are looking actionationale ways to use things like candles and oils to help you alleviate the depression or anxiety you are feeling., you came to the right place. Well here are 4 ways you can use aromatherapy to help create a more positive reality for you!

The Practical Guide to Letting It The Fuck Go

The Practical Guide to Letting It The Fuck Go

Let's start with the reality of the situation, we are all holding on to shit and not letting it go because how the fuck do we do that??

No one has every logically taught any of us how to let go of things, old relationships, trauma. Instead we sit and replay the what ifs and hurt over and over again, imagining future scenarios with relentless prepping so we don't get hurt again.

Letting go of the moment/ feelings that you are struggling with is different for everybody. We are all unique which means we grieve, process and feel differently. As a result, I can't write a step by step how to guide, you have to write one for yourself. So instead, I wrote a long list of alll the possible things you need to know and things you can do to help process your feelings so you can get back to feeling yourself again.

Masculine Vs Feminine and Finding Balance

Masculine Vs Feminine and Finding Balance

As humans, we are split into two primary sexes and many more genders and we have all these stereotypes in our heads on what we should be.

Men are these qualities: Strong, provider, adventurer.

Females are these qualities: Sensitive, emotional, caregiver.

To be a man you have to be strong, protector, emotionless and in control and to be a woman you have to be like a selfless caregiver, wise, emotional.

But what a unusual lie that was

Creating An Anxiety Battle Plan

Creating An Anxiety Battle Plan

If anxiety is left unchecked, it can roam free and absolutely decimate your happiness. If you want to learn to not only control it, but defeat it, then you have to learn about it, what drives it, why it affects you. But for now, I have my top tips on how to handle it on a day to day.

These are my personal tips that I use day to day, they may not be relevant for everyone but they are what I do and they help me! So if you are a little like me, maybe they can help you too!

6 Steps To Clearing Negative Emotions and Being Happy

6 Steps To Clearing Negative Emotions and Being Happy

Processing through your emotions is a hard one so I am going to do this series on processing through hard emotions. 

The goal is to feel what you feel, accept it and let it go. Not to pretend it doesn't exist. We all know what happens when we ignore a child 

1. It gets louder, starts screaming and it breaks things.

2. It gets depressed, feels lonely and becomes despondent. 

3. They go to therapy 10 years later about their struggles and traumatic childhood.

Toxic Relationships

Toxic Relationships

Toxic relationships. 

Let’s take a moment to chat about toxic people. Do you feel like you have one in your life? Have you ever considered it might be you? 

I think on some level, everyone can be a toxic to someone. We can all be bad influences and bring people down without meaning to or intention. But does that make us bad people?