Self Love

I Hate Communicating, Let's Talk Colours.

I Hate Communicating, Let's Talk Colours.

honest but that isn’t what we are here for! I want to explain my colour system to you!

I don’t know about you but since we were all raised to live in a society where expressing your feelings or emotions is taboo and frowned upon unless it's a mild complaint, you might have issues expressing how you feel.

*Ghost Jade nods profusely*

I am always astounded to find people who express how they feel so easily and abruptly, to everyone. I think it's a great quality because you will never catch me doing that. *Ghost Jade zips her lips*

Getting Started: Self Love 101

Getting Started: Self Love 101

But you are here because actually, you don’t want to do this anymore. You don’t want to be a punching bag for the world. You know deep down in your soul you deserve better but years of being told you aren’t good enough, you don’t matter. Years of putting everyone else and their happiness first has left you feeling like you don’t deserve anything.

But my beautiful sunshine, you do. You are allowed to be happy, you are allowed to love yourself and you are allowed to take back. your power, live your best life and follow your dreams. You can do anything but right now I am sure it doesn’t feel like that because… where do you begin? Its like sitting alone in a massive pitch black dark room, you can’t see the doors or even which direction to take. It just feels overwhelming and isolating. But you aren’t alone, I am in the room with a large lantern to hand to you and this is it so here is your lantern, so you can get up and start searching for your way out.

How to Use Aromatherapy to Reduce Your Anxiety and Depression

How to Use Aromatherapy to Reduce Your Anxiety and Depression

If you are looking actionationale ways to use things like candles and oils to help you alleviate the depression or anxiety you are feeling., you came to the right place. Well here are 4 ways you can use aromatherapy to help create a more positive reality for you!

Practical Ways to Practice Self Love with Sydney Sage

Practical Ways to Practice Self Love with Sydney Sage

I hear and say PRACTICE SELF LOVE a lot but to be honest, what does that even mean? How does one even do self love? Is it just vaguely complimenting myself and buying myself some flowers?

Self love isn’t about suddenly waking up and going on look, I am SO IN LOVE with myself, I am the best! It isn’t an on switch that you can just flick, it is a constant journey towards self acceptance and love. Which I find relieving! Don’t you think it’s a bit stressful with all these people saying OH I FOUND SELF LOVE and you are like how?? and they reply with oh I just do now or I just meditated and bought a candle and now I am in love with who I am. Cause I find that intimidating, like I am doing something wrong because I didn’t love myself, like there a lot of pressure to love yourself quickly and perfectly with no direction.