The Practical Guide to Letting It The Fuck Go

The Practical Guide to Letting It The Fuck Go

Let's start with the reality of the situation, we are all holding on to shit and not letting it go because how the fuck do we do that??

No one has every logically taught any of us how to let go of things, old relationships, trauma. Instead we sit and replay the what ifs and hurt over and over again, imagining future scenarios with relentless prepping so we don't get hurt again.

Letting go of the moment/ feelings that you are struggling with is different for everybody. We are all unique which means we grieve, process and feel differently. As a result, I can't write a step by step how to guide, you have to write one for yourself. So instead, I wrote a long list of alll the possible things you need to know and things you can do to help process your feelings so you can get back to feeling yourself again.

Masculine Vs Feminine and Finding Balance

Masculine Vs Feminine and Finding Balance

As humans, we are split into two primary sexes and many more genders and we have all these stereotypes in our heads on what we should be.

Men are these qualities: Strong, provider, adventurer.

Females are these qualities: Sensitive, emotional, caregiver.

To be a man you have to be strong, protector, emotionless and in control and to be a woman you have to be like a selfless caregiver, wise, emotional.

But what a unusual lie that was

How To Deal With Body Envy

How To Deal With Body Envy

Body Envy is a growing problem in our society. We see all these beautiful photoshopped impossible bodies in the media everyday and we can’t help but compare them to our own. With thousands of likes and society all going O M G Look how beautiful you are. Us normals with our beautiful bodies, can’t help but feel a little down. We can’t change society or other people, but we can change how we deal with it.

Why Healthy Eating Is So Important

Why Healthy Eating Is So Important

I talk about this a lot but I believe in eating health foods for your Mental Health. Not for weight loss or weight management, pure and simply, to help you be happy and keep on top of your mental health.
Crazy I know? I know because if I eat healthy and wholesome food that makes me feel good, I feel indestructible, beautiful and powerful. I also have more energy, easier to think positive and my skin is radiant. When you eat healthy, you glow.

The Life Changing Power Of Gratitude

The Life Changing Power Of Gratitude

Let’s chat about my super power, the power of gratitude. We are going to hit the ground running today because there is a lot to cover so we are starting with the bluntest truth of all.

Happiness, like gratitude is a choice.

We can choose to be grateful for everything that we have and a reason we don't express it as much as we should is because it is connected to self hate and our drive as humans to progress.

COVID 19: Things To Do At Home During Social Distance

COVID 19: Things To Do At Home During Social Distance

Since everyone's situation is different, I have created a list for solo lockdowners, couples or older families and families with young children. Don’t feel like you need to be categorised, any of these activities could be for you! The most important thing is that you don’t spiral and you focus on being productive and mentally healthy.

COVID 19: How To Survive Social Distancing With Your Partner

COVID 19: How To Survive Social Distancing With Your Partner

Living with your partner is wonderful but living 24/7 is a different ballgame. The pressure of being around each other all the time can be extremely taxing and potentially relationship ending. Since the lockdown in China, divorces have spiked because living full time with their spouse was too much. This is a situation we would rather avoid so to combat this, here are the top things you need to do to help the transition to full time partner time.